Radial tunnel syndrome-diagnosis and treatment
radial tunnel syndrome, deep branch of radial nerve, lateral elbow pain, intermittent compression, arcade of Frohse, scratch collapse test, decompressionAbstract
Radial tunnel syndrome is defined as intermittent compression of the deep branch of the radial nerve through the borders of the radial tunnel. This is one of the diagnosis in the spectrum of the causes for lateral elbow pain. The condition is associated with pain in the area of radial nerve compression which is located in most of the cases at the entrance of the nerve in the arcade of Frohse. The clinical examination is of utmost importance for determination of the diagnosis. . The standard static electromyography can’t record the intermittent compression of the nerve and it is not sensitive for the injury of the unmyelinated fibers (C-type) which is the main source of the pain. The goals of the treatment of RTS are to eliminate the pain and to encourage the patients to return to their routine activities. A trial of nonsurgical treatment is warrant in all the patients. In the cases with no respond to the conservative methods we advocate for surgical decompression of the nerve.